In my opinion, negotiating exceptions is not easy. But there is already precedent for highly innovative investments. I believe about half of the companies that attended the Prague meeting ended up signing up for the cluster. Overall, I thought the conference was very successful. However, Brno and more generally the Moravian entities are almost exclusively members of this cluster. Prague has certain shortcomings in this regard.
Prague companies are also worried about the outflow of semiconductor experts because they themselves lack Italy WhatsApp Number List semiconductor experts. This question is being asked across the industry. Are there some steps that can be taken in the foreseeable future? Yes, the lack of workers was also discussed. The state actually has two tools. The first is economic immigration policy. Currently, the collection of opinions on the amendments to the completed.
Director Sokupowa and I strive to make life as easy as possible for highly qualified applicants. For example, it is somewhat ironic to come up with such a revolutionary idea to negotiate as much as possible in English. He opposes the administrative rules and budget requirements required for such a measure. However, we have managed to open up this possibility in the law. The state should be able to regulate through statutory norms which documents can be submitted in .