But there are some things to pay attention to when reading this data the problem of benchmark analysis when we carry out our online research and open the wordstream article (or others) that talks about benchmarks for a specific advertising activity we must not stop at superficial reading. find out what data we are interested in and maybe we are lucky because there is a specific benchmark for the sector in which we operate. So where's the problem the first thing that many people don't think about is that these studies are always based on user samples from the united states.
Reading the whole article among the faqs you will find this information which is anything but irrelevant it is said that The whole world is a country but this saying certainly does not apply to advertising the costs per click or result can vary considerably between one nation Mobile App Development Service and another. Furthermore benchmarks are general data which even within a sector in which the reference metric exists does not take into account particular local situations. So if in your city the number of your company's competitors is significantly higher than normal you can't be surprised if you incur high costs compared to the benchmarks for your advertising.
How to use benchmarks to improve your advertising benchmarks are useful because they give us a general unit of measurement to refer to. And this is certainly an advantage but we must not consider them so important as to consider campaigns that exceed industry benchmarks as certainly problematic.Our suggestion is to use this data as a starting point for starting your advertising activities. Benchmarks can help you or your clients understand what you can expect from a campaign relative to your available budget . But as soon as you start accumulating internal data and months of work.